13 Reasons Why - Episode 10

I just don't get it with this show anymore.

When watching the show I may as well be hearing "This is episode 10. Welcome to your tape." Because this sure is the 10th reason why this show sucks.

Anyway the subject matter of Hannah Baker's tape for chapter 10 is Sheri Holland. A pretty, popular and extremely nice member of the African-american community. However, she has a deep and dark secret......... wait for it.......... she knocked over a stop sign one time.

HOWEVER - It gets more complicated then that. Basically, after Sheri offers our girl Hannah a ride after Jessica's shit show of a party, she runs into a wooden pole that has a stop sign on top of it. Later that night a much beloved character from the show "Jeff" (R.I.P Jeff) gets into a car accident and passes away. Now you're probably wondering, gee Sheri basically got the nicest guy in the world killed because she didn't call the police or something and that may have saved Jeff's life.

Goodnight, sweet prince.

Unfortunately you are wrong. Here's why:

1. Jeff wasn't killed because of the stop sign, pure and simple. The guy that T-Boned him was on the phone to his wife and was going way, way over the speed limit. That is why poor Jeff was killed. No one goes that fast on a backroad residential street, and stop-sign or not, you should know when to stop.

2. Even if Sheri owned up and called the police lets be real, the RTA American equivalent wouldn't be sending out a stop-sign replacer at 3AM at night. At the very best, the stop sign would be replaced the following morning if the wheels of bureaucracy turned at just the right amount.

To top this all off, Hannah then makes a tape with the sole purpose of tormenting Sheri over something she didn't do.

Shit episode/10


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